No, it couldn’t be. I stared in disbelief! Was the long stretch-limo one lane to my left, really going to attempt to make a right-hand turn, in front of me?!

It kept inching closer. I laid on my horn. Slammed on my brakes.

It was futile. BOOM! Glass shattered. Metal crunched.

I was now an official traffic accident statistic. No bumps. No bruises. No cuts. Good news.

However, the other driver immediately jumped out of his limo and began yelling, “Look what you did to me!”

I politely asked, “Are you okay?” He said, “Yes” and again exclaimed, “Look what you did to me!” I suggested he get his license, as I called the police.

Seven minutes later the police officer arrived. He told us to move our cars from the busy intersection, to a nearby parking lot. There, he motioned both of us into the backseat of the squad car. He then asked, “What happened?” The limo driver began in broken English…

“I make right turn…go slow…three to four miles per hour…then he speed up, hit me. Why he do this?!”

This was a fascinating, fictitious tale. I then told the police officer the truth. The cop, a 23-year veteran, somewhat disinterested stated, “People lie. Cars do not. Stay here. I want to see the damage.”

Three minutes later he returned. And said, “I inspected the cars. The damage tells the story. Mr. Blackman is telling the truth. You are not. Mr. Blackman has no damage to the front of his car. It’s all on the side. Meaning, you hit him. There’s no way he hit you!”

The limo driver responded, “Sure, you believe him. He American. I a foreigner!”

The police officer did not react favorably to this accusation. For me, a minor traffic accident—now became a values lesson.

Reflecting on this experience, was I angry? Nope. Disturbed? Uh-uh. However, I was disappointed. Disappointed at how quickly one can:

• Lie.

• Blame another for their mistake.

• Rationalize a ridiculous reason for another person’s logical and correct conclusion.

If you have heard me speak before, (or are a regular reader), you know I continually stress the importance of self-accountability. If you make a mistake, own it. If you achieve a victory, relish it.

The only way to attain greatness is by being responsible for it. Don’t point a finger of blame, when it may be far more appropriate, to merely glance in the mirror.

Winners make wise decisions. They influence and control the forces that will shape their destiny. Their thought process is: “What can I do?” vs. “Look what he or she, did to me!”

Winners are quick to declare, “I or we won! I or we did it! I or we made it happen!”

Yet, they also unhesitatingly say, “Oops, I goofed! It’s my fault! I apologize. I’m sorry!”

Be a winner. And also, stay far, far away—from stretch-limos making unlawful turns!


Jeff is a Hall of Fame speaker, best selling author, success coach, broadcaster and lawyer. His clients call him a “business-growth specialist.” If you hire speakers, please contact Sheryl Kantor at: 847.998.0688 or [email protected]. And visit to learn more about his other business-growth tools and to subscribe to Jeff’s FREE e-letter, The Results Report. Jeff’s Amazon bestselling books include; Stop Whining! Start Selling!, the 5th edition of Peak Your Profits and the recently published, (December, 2022), BULLSEYE! Hitting Your Targets at Home and at Work, which became a best seller within four days of its release. You can also stay connected with Jeff via Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter: @BlackmanResults

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