Profit-Point 45:

On the way to this, I found that!

Recently, I suggested to a financial services client, that their advisors use Internet search engines to discover what others in their industry are doing and saying to promote their products, services and solutions.

For example, I recommended they consider doing searches for:

  • fee based planners
  • investment advisors
  • financial advisors
  • fee-only planners
  • financial planners, etc.

How come? Because they, like you, can quickly use the web, as a direct and indirect source of inspiration. For language. Concepts. And phraseology.

Often, when you search for stuff that’s merely related to your business, you can discover some powerful possibilities.

Here’s a similar strategy. I constantly scour magazines and articles for captivating communication I can easily adapt for potential use.

The following examples, may have direct application to you and your business. They can influence how you communicate in print, as well as, during client meetings or prospect conversations.

From the March 18, 2002 issue of BusinessWeek:

excerpts from a Duke Energy ad:

“We didn’t become a leader by wearing blinders. We see the subtleties. The opportunities overlooked by others. It is this intimacy with detail, and the ability to step back and see beyond, which give us perspective.”

How can you adapt the preceding? Imagine a prospect asks, “So what makes you so special?”

You might answer, “Extremely satisfied clients like, (name drop), tell us we’re focused on the details and the subtleties of their business. They feel this ability gives us and them a unique perspective to capitalize on opportunities that might be overlooked or missed by others.”

excerpts from an ad for Novartis, (a drug therapy for eyesight   deterioration):

“…an innovative force that’s bringing new optimism and hope…think what’s possible”

You might stress, “Clients like, (name drop) tell us we’re an innovative partner and creative force, helping them achieve new results and possibilities. Like the time we, (refer to case studies, metrics, goals met and exceeded, stats, testimonials, etc.)

excerpts from an ad for Lufthansa:

“Wherever you want to go, we make it easier for you to get there.”

You could emphasize, “Our clients, (name drop) especially value the easy or hassle-free way we…”

As you can tell, the possibilities are huge. So be willing to take the direct, indirect and side roads to results!

© Blackman & Associates, LLC

Profit-Point 46:

E-savvy vs. Eeeh sorry!

Are you spending more time on-line, especially corresponding via e-mail with clients, prospects and your team? Thought so.

Here are some guidelines to follow, so you’ll be E-savvy vs. Eeeh sorry!

These 15 simple, yet impactful strategies will make your e-mails both meaningful and memorable:

  1. be conversational in tone
  2. if you don’t want others to see it, don’t send it (Remember, it’s called the world wide web for a reason. One click, can quickly cause chaos!)
  3. create specific and/or creative subject lines, but nothing that creates confusion, misinterpretation or makes your message appear to be spam
  4. never be angry, accusatory or sarcastic
  5. use short sentences, write in paragraphs, avoid upper case letters, they seem to YELL at you, use them only for EMPHASIS
  6. proofread, knock-out typos and bad grammar
  7. write it, read it, then ask yourself: “Can I make it better?” And, “Is there anything that might be misunderstood?”
  8. consider referencing the sender’s specific language, i.e., place between arrows…

    >>their question, comment, etc.<<
    Your response.

  9. have a unique parting salutation, i.e., my use of:

    Creatively yours,

  10. use a signature block, i.e., with your name, title, contact info, website, favorite quote, an assistant’s contact info or a weblink
  11. cc others who are part of the decision-making process
  12. keep easy-access desktop files of: template language, as well as key correspondence received and sent
  13. be patient, use time to your advantage (while e-mail affords the luxury of instantaneous replies, that immediacy may eliminate the benefits of reflection and deliberation), being speedy ain’t the same as being smart
  14. avoid attached files, (unless they’re necessary and expected), attachments require the recipient to do one more thing, plus there’s the ever-present fear of the dreaded virus
  15. when appropriate, include a call-to-action, i.e., either you or the recipient will do something, like; set a date for a meeting, reach agreement on an issue or question, make a decision, promise to send something or honor a deadline or deliverable

© Blackman & Associates, LLC

Profit-Point 51:

Control and impress!

The late Mark McCormack, founder and CEO of International Management Group (IMG), the sports management conglomerate representing superstar athletes like; Tiger Woods, Wayne Gretzky, Nancy Lopez, Andre Agassi and others, as well as the author of What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School and a one-time guest on my radio talk-show told me:

“One of life’s big frustrations is that people don’t do what you want them to do. But if you can control their impressions of you, you can make them want to do, what you want them to do.”

© Blackman & Associates, LLC

P.I.T. Stop

P Provocative or Playful
I Inspirational or Informational
T Thoughts or Theories

Funny phone file.

Recently, I returned a phone call to a client’s direct line, where the following happened:

Him:    (in a rather unpleasant and confrontational tone)


Me:      “David, is everything okay?”

Him:    (somewhat embarrassed and flustered)

“Jeff? Oh. Um. Am really sorry. I must be losing my mind. I thought this was my cell phone and you were my mother. And she’s the last person I wanted to talk to!”

“The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is, that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won’t.”

Henry Ward Beecher

© Blackman & Associates, LLC

Profit Pillar VI: Referrals: Your Road to Results →

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Jeff is a Hall of Fame speaker, best selling author, success coach, broadcaster and lawyer. His clients call him a “business-growth specialist.” If you hire speakers, please contact Sheryl Kantor at: 847.998.0688 or [email protected]. And visit to learn more about his other business-growth tools and to subscribe to Jeff’s FREE e-letter, The Results Report. Jeff’s books include; Stop Whining! Start Selling!, (an Amazon Bestseller), and the revised 4th edition of the bestselling Peak Your Profits. You can also stay connected with Jeff via Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter: @BlackmanResults